Welcome to my site.

After many years of accumulating possessions and investing with marginal success, I found myself out of a job and staring at retirement. Yes, I can jump back into the workforce, but I Think that I can make better use of my time by doing something that I enjoy and escape the 50 to 60 hour workweek making money for shareholders and top executives.  Yes, trickle-down economics does not work in the corporate world any better than it works in politics. I believe a measured approach to investing and a lifestyle based on minimalist principles is a better way to achieve the your goals of a fulfilling lifestyle. Please leave your comments and suggestions or questions below.  

  “Simplicity involves unburdening your life, and living more lightly with fewer distractions that interfere with a high quality life, as defined uniquely by each individual.”  Linda Breen Pierce – 1947

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